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Family Planning

Family Planning

The goal of Family Planning is to assist families in achieving a successful and progressive family, with appropriate spacing and timing to ensure optimal growth and development of each family member. Things that may play a role on family planning decisions include marital situation, career or work considerations, financial situations.

Sex Education

Sex education is the instruction of issues relating to human sexuality, including human sexual anatomy, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, safe sex and birth control, sexual health, reproductive health, emotional relations and responsibilities, age of consent, and reproductive right. Sex education which includes all of these issues is known as comprehensive sex education, and is often opposed to , which only focuses on sexual abtinence.

Councious Uncoupling

Part 1-From Grief to Relief

Your journey of healing begins with unearthing the core of your grief and overcoming it so you can start the path of permanent release and relief from heartbreak.

Highlights include:

  • Discover how the “time heals all wounds” myth is one of the main sources holding you back from truly moving on.

  • Learn 3 simple strategies to identity and instantly soothe the pain and suffering you’re feeling from a breakup.

  • Develop powerful self-care practices to shift your heart’s feelings from breakup to breakthrough.

  • Create the mindset to move from fault to freedom — learn how to forgive yourself and break free from the negative trap of obsessing over your past relationship.

  • Awaken to your breakup as a life-altering opportunity to “break your heart open” and fuel unprecedented positive change in your life.

Part 2-Break the Pattern & Reframe Your Love Life

Discover the patterns that have been recurring in your love life, how these patterns have contributed to heartbreak after heartbreak, and how to break these patterns so you can attract the love relationship you desire.

Highlights include:

  • Discover the secret to release any and all negative energy between you and your partner so you can clear the air between you.

  • Restore your self-confidence in your choices by forgiving yourself for anything your subconscious is holding against you about your relationship.

  • Break free of old relationship patterns that may be holding you back from the love you desire so you can move on resentment-free.

  • Repair the insult to your identity that a breakup represents and awaken your heart to the knowledge that you are worthy of love.

  • Chart your love plan to attract the love you want in your future by setting a potent intention for your love life.

Part 3-Create Your Happily Even-After Life

Highlights include:

  • Move through the six stages of grief to fully accept your feelings, release them into the universe, and harness the power of those feelings for positive attraction in your life.

  • Exercise 7 powerful self-care practices to tend to your needs fully and commit to loving yourself through this healing experience.

  • Create new love and relationship agreements with yourself so you can move forward and win in your next relationship. Align your life with the new agreements you’ve created, so that you are ready to win and welcome the love you desire in your future.

  • Celebrate this new stage with a ceremony to honor your past relationship and enter a fulfilling, whole, and happy journey of life and love.