What If You Could Permanently Reform Your Relationship With Food – And In Turn Your Body – In Just 90 Days?
People create short-term changes to their eating habits everyday: it’s what’s commonly known as dieting.
But modern day dieting doesn’t work.
To create life-changing results that last, you need a simple system that changes your food beliefs, relationship, and habits for good.
A powerful, effective and new health and fitness methodology that draws its inspiration from evolutionary and functional medicine and nutritional anthropology…
And uses behavioral psychology to create lasting change in your brain’s association with food including its response to the Six Human Hungers…
So that no amount of advertising dollars or social pressures will put you back on an unhealthy regimen ever again.
This system addresses the five primary reasons behind why you’ve always failed to achieve the changes your body so badly wants to make. It guides you through an easy, step-by-step process to make permanent and lasting changes without ever feeling hungry and always having a feeling of abundant freedom – and it’s called:
Life-fit: 90 Days To Your Natural, Best Looking Self
The Principles to Lasting Health
Life-fit is a Paleo-influenced health methodology that draws heavily from evolutionary history and modern-day hunter-gatherer communities. A key principle of life-fit is that ‘every living thing has a diet’ and that the degree to which a species can stay on its diet is a measure of its health and longevity. These principles are known to have existed for at least 5 – 6 million years.
Powerful Behavioral Psychology
Innerbuilder Academy have professional speakers and executive business mentor: Innerbuilder Academy understands behavior and how to create lasting change in you. life-fit’s program structure is based on powerful behavioural psychology techniques that help you implement the changes you want, quickly and easily.
Microlearning For Even Your Busiest Days
The traditional way of taking courses is: you invest in a course, and you study it by yourself in your own time for about 8 – 10 hours. It’s a process lacking in accountability and excitement. The life-fit program is run on Innerbuilder’s Quests microlearning platform, which allows you to experience the program along with thousands of others under real-time guidance from Innerbuilder Academy’s team. No more finding time to pour through 10-hour courses. Just set aside an easy 10 minutes a day for 90 days.
No Starvation And No Exercise
The life-fit program is carefully designed so that you will not be hungry and there is no requirement to exercise. This program is about nutritional balance and getting your diet, energy levels and sleep on track so that, when you are ready, you will actually enjoy your exercise. You’ll not dread it like you used to.
Designed For Results In 90 Days
For the most part, people already know (or think they know) what they should eat and what they should avoid to achieve their health goals. The problem is that they often fail to stick with them. They make exceptions and these exceptions slowly become the rule. The well-refined 90-day structure of the life-fit program, on the other hand, breaks most people’s conditioning long enough to deliver lasting change.
Group Coaching and Teams
Food and health are team sports; people gravitate toward the average of the people around them. For most, this is not good news. The life-fit program places you in a group of people that can work together and support each other towards the same goals, every step of the way. This powerful framework helps our students get the best results possible.
Work With The Six Human Hungers
Most people eat either far more or far less than they need, and often they do both. They eat too much of what they should and not enough of what they must. In the life-fit program, you’ll work with the SIX CORE HUMAN HUNGERS to help you interpret what your body is trying to tell you, and give it what it truly needs.
The life-fit Program Requires No Special Foods
Healthier, organic foods can sometimes cost a bit more, but there are no special shakes, supplements or anything else to purchase. We are fundamentally against diet programs that are designed to get you to pay extra for “special foods” or “energy shakes” to complete the journey. Instead, every week, you gain a new awareness in your relationship with food. The WILDFIT program creates a fundamental change in your own body at a remarkable stick rate, and you are never obligated to buy anything from us again.
What You’ll Learn
Amplify Your Energy:
Discover easy dietary and lifestyle shifts that replace lethargy with boundless energy and vitality, so you can get more done and live life on your terms.
Improve Your Health & Wellness:
Learn how to use wholesome food as a tool for health, healing, fitness, mobility, and even alleviating the symptoms of disease and illness.
Strengthen Your Immunity:
Optimize your immune system, and dramatically reduce your frequency of getting sick – all through easy-to-find and wholly natural foods.
Enjoy Deeper Sleep:
Command your body to fall into blissfully deep and restful sleep every night – even if you deal with insomnia or other sleep disorders.
Upgrade Your Eating Habits:
Reprogram your eating habits and cravings – so instead of reaching for harmful snacks, you naturally gravitate towards food that heals, energizes, and nourishes you.
Achieve Your Ideal Weight:
Harness a natural and sustainable solution to losing those stubborn excess pounds, or gain the weight you need to achieve your ideal body shape.
Regain Your Youthfulness:
Turn back the clock on premature aging, optimize your metabolism, posture, flexibility, exercise recovery time, and other markers of a youthful body.
Lengthen Your Lifespan:
Add years or even decades to your life through proven nutrition and lifestyle principles that promote extraordinary longevity and vitality.
Discovering What Your Body Truly Needs
The first two weeks are the foundation of your future healthy self. At this stage, you won’t be making any changes or cutting anything out – but rather learning about food and your relationship with it.
You will also learn about the six human hungers and simple ways to neutralize them. The result is that your cravings start subsiding like an evening sunset. Before long, you realize the usual foods that used to “pull u in” no longer do.
Allowing Your Natural Human Diet To Take Over
Here you’ll start making gentle, natural changes to your diet. Through weekly videos and group coaching sessions, you’ll learn how to make these positive changes in tiny, effortless increments. By letting the body decide what it needs and making changes to accommodate it, you’re actually allowing the natural human diet to gently take over your lifestyle. Suddenly, you’ll realize there’s a day and night difference between what you used to eat and what you are eating now. And there’s absolutely no struggle involved.
During this phase, you’ll also see major results like better sleep, increased energy and vitality, improved focus, fewer mood swings, weight correction and an overall increase in happiness levels.
Releasing Weight Rapidly And Keeping It Off
This phase of the program is all about making sure the changes you have just made stays with you for life. It’s about making life-fit your most desired lifestyle for the rest of your life.
You will learn how to work with seasonal changes in your life and how to use seasonality to deeply integrate the principles of life-fit into your life.
And there will be a tribe where you can raise all your concerns and special situations. The idea is to equip you with all the tools you need to handle the unique problems that life may throw you at some point in future.
You will continue getting better and better results during this phase and your health has only one way to go: UP.